Unicorn Tears
Õllestiil: Rose Water Pale Ale
Linnased: Simpsons Extra Pale Ale odralinnased, Simpsons Dextrine , Simpsons Oat kaeralinnased, Sipmsons Wheat nisulinnased
IBU: 25
Alk: Alc 4,6% Vol
Humalad: Centennial USA , Saaz CZ , roosivesi
Pakend: 330ml purk, kastis 24 purki
Toode sisaldab allergeene: odralinnased, kaeralinnased, nisulinnased
Koostöös Pudel Baariga pruulitud kerge hele eil tüüpi õlu on humaldatud värske rohuse Saaz humalaga ja lisatud mõnusa kiiksuna roosiõie lõhna.
Kurikuulsa Purtse kalatööstuse rappijad räägivad siiani metsikust vuntsidega kalast, kes tuli jõesuudmest maale, varastas nööridel kuivavat aluspesu ja ajas noori naisi taga. Ainus võimalus pakku pageda oli Purtse kindlus. Lisaks oli see ka ainus kindlus, kus õlut pruuliti. Meile meeldib metsikult.

AA Rand
Malt: Simpsons Golden Promise, Simpsons Wheat, Simpsons Munich
Hops: Mosaic, Mosaic, Mosaic ….
IBU: 50
Alc: ABV 6,4% Vol
Package: 330ml can , in box 24 cans
This West Coast IPA is brewed with Golden Promise, wheat and Munich malts. Mosaic hops provide both bitterness and dry hopping for nice tropical and citrus flavors, balanced by a crisp biscuity malt flavor. A pure hop lover’s dream. With a medium body, this is a refreshing, bold and perfectly balanced bitter IPA.

Best Bitter
Õllestiil: Best Bitter
Linnased: Simspons Best Pale, Simpsons Crystal T50, Simpsons Amber, Simpsons Caramalt
Humalad: Columbus, Styrian Goldings
Alk. 4,4%Vol
Pakend: 440ml purk
Inglise stiilis bitter on väga kergelt joodav, madalama alkoholisisaldusega linnaseline õlu. Tavaliselt seostatakse Inglise Bitterit vaadis laagerdunud nn “Cask Ale” õllena. Kerge, keskmise täidlusega mõru õlu on vase värvusega, vähese linnase jääkmagususega. Humala mõrkjus on keskmine.

Alkoholivaba õlu
Linnased: Munich
Humalad: Saaz
IBU: 20
Alk: Alc 0% Vol
Pakend: 330ml purk
Toode sisaldab allergeene: odralinnased
Purtse Pruulikoja esimene alkoholivaba õlu. Hea janukustutaja igal ajal igas kohas.
Metsikus Idas ei kehti Kroonlinna null. Ega Amsterdami null. Siin mõõdetakse kõike Purtse nulli järgi. Enamik asju on sellest madalamal. Kõrgemal on vahest ainult Kohtla-Järve poolkoksimägi , mis kohalike sõnul sai oma nime keemiatehase laborandi järgi. Too armastas endale fosforiidist ja kiviõlist kokteile segada ning helendas öösel nii võimsalt , et laevad kasutasid teda majakana. Meile meeldib metsikult.
Serveeri külmalt. Terviseks!

Õllestiil: Tšehhi pilsner
Linnased: Pilsner linnas, Caramalt linnas
IBU: 25
Alk: Alc 4,5% Vol
Humalad: Saaz
Pakend: 440ml purk, kastis 24 purki, 30L KeyKeg
Klassikaline Tšehhi pilsner tüüpi tüüpi õlu. Humaldatud Saaz humalaga, mõõduka mõrudusega ja pilsnerile omaselt väge kergelt joodav.
Purtsest tuleb klassikat!

Siidisuka Cherry Stout
Õllestiil: Fruit Stout
Linnased: Pale Ale, Munich, Crystal T50, Golden Naked Oats, Chocolate malt, Brown malt, Boiron Cherry puree
Humalad: Columbus
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 5,5% Vol
Pakend: 330ml purk, 30L KeyKeg
Päritoluriik: Eesti
1930ndatel tuli Kohtla-Järve põlevkivitehase direktor töölt koju. Pani nahkportfelli nurka ja keeras riigivanema portree näoga seina poole. Tõmbas jalga linnapreili peened siidisukad, pani rahvaviiside plate peale ja hakkas peegli ees puusi hööritama. Las mees teeb, mis mees tahab. Meile meeldib metsikult.

Brown Ale
Õllestiil: Brown Ale
Linnased: Pale Ale, Chocolate, Amber
IBU: 25
Alk: Alc 5,5% Vol
Humalad: Columbus, Cascade
Pakend: 440ml purk, kastis 24 purki, 30L KeyKeg
“Purtse pruulitud klassikalised maitsed” – Brown Ale on klassikaline õllestiil, mida iseloomustab tume värvus, kompleksne linnaselisus ja mõõdukas humalamõrkjus. Keskmise karboniseeritusega selge õlu on kergelt magusa järelmaitsega , pähkline , röstine ja vähe šokolaadine.
Purtse Brown ale sobib hästi erinevate toitude, sealhulgas grill-lihaga ,röstitud köögiviljade ja erinevate hautistega.
Purtsest tuleb klassikat!

Mägede Hääl
Õllestiil: California Common
Linnased: Pilsner, Munich, Crystal, Amber, Dextrin
Humalad: Columbus, Chinook
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 4,9% Vol
Pakend: 330ml pudel , 30L KeyKeg
Päritoluriik: Eesti
Mägede Hääl on klassikalises California Common stiilis pruulitud laager. Pruulimisel on kasutatud laagri pärm ning kääritatud Ale tüüpi õlle temperatuuridel, mis annab õllele tummise, kuid kerge kehaga maitse. Selles pruulis oleme kasutanud 5 erinevat linnast, kuid ainult kahte humalat, et anda õllele kergelt mõrkjas mekk. Kuna linnased on peamiseks maitse allikaks, on õlles tunda värsket leivasust ning kerget karamelli ja röstisust, mille seob kokku mõnus humala mekk. Tasakaalukad maitsed teevad sellest ideaalse joogi igaks olukorraks. Serveeri külmalt. Terviseks!
Kes seisab tuhamäel? Kelle hääl kajab aheraine küngaste peal? Ei, see pole Kare Kauks. Ega Sile Sirks. See on kaevur Kolja Vest, kellest Metsiku Ida pojad tegi uue legendi – Kanye East. Nüüd kajab siin kaevuriräpp ja tuhamäetehno, kivisöepunk ja karjääri –indie. Meile meeldib metsikult.

Leopõld I
Õllestiil: Belgian Blond Ale , ALC 6,4%
Pale Ale, Wheat, Melano, Amber
Columbus, Saaz
Leopõld I – Belgian Blonde stiilis õlu on keskmise kangusega, linnaseliselt pehmelt karamelline ja vähese humalamõrudusega. Karemellilinnastest on tunda kergelt mee maitset , mis jätab suhu magusa järelmaitse. Parim temperatuur selle kena merevaigu värvi õlle serveerimiseks on 5–7 kraadi.
Kaevur Leo Põld täitis viisaastakuplaani üheksa kuuga ja saadeti preemiaks Belgia kuninga Leopoldi juurde audientsile. Esmatutvus korraliku Belgia õllega lõppes žiguli lurriga harjunud mehel palee marmorpeldikus, kus ta õppis seinale kriibitud roppuste abil ära prantsuse keele. Leopold oli nii vapustatud, et lõi Põllu Leo rüütliks. Meile meeldib metsikult.

Tarede Vaikuses
Style: Baltic Porter
Malt: Pale Ale, Vienna, Caramunich, Chocolate Wheat, Crystal Dark, Smoked, Rye, Chocolate
Hops: Chinook, H.Mittelfrfueh
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 7,9% Vol
Package: 330ml purk
Country of Origin: Estonia
Tarede Vaikus is a Baltic Porter that’s fermented with bottom fermentation yeast. A malty beer with a slightly smoky and moderately roasty taste. Behind them, you can feel a bit of berry and stone fruit (plum) taste. With its 7.9% strength, the taste of alcohol is only slightly noticeable.

Style: Hazy IPA
Malt: Barley malt, wheat malt
Hops: Citra, Galaxy, Mosaic
IBU: 55
Alc: ABV 7,0% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 20L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Udukogu is a Hazy IPA style beer. Hazy IPA, as the name says, is a hazy and opaque IPA, which is accomplished thanks to a fair amount of hops and a special type of yeast. That is why this beer has a stronger, more creamy and silky body than usual IPA type beers. For this brew we have used a lot of fresh and citrusy hops during dry-hopping – Citra, Galaxy and Mosaic. We recommend trying hoppy beers as fresh as possible and of course, chill before serving. Cheers!

Kähkukas Down Under
Style: Session IPA
Malt: Barley malt, wheat malt, oatmeal
Hops: Mosaic, Eclipse, Galaxy, Motueka
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 4,7% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 20L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Kähkukas Down Under is a slightly revised version of our regular Session IPA “Kähkukas” – brewing this we have used a fair amount of Australian and New Zealand hops. The colour is moderately hazy and looks like a fresh melon zest. Both in the aroma and the taste you can feel some strong and juicy hops, which are wound up into a mild and juicy aftertaste that lasts quite long. Perfect brew to quickly sip on every day. We recommend drinking hoppy beers as fresh as possible and as usual, chill before serving. Cheers!

Mango Passion
Style: Fruit Ale
Malt: Barley malt, oat malt
Hops: Columbus
IBU: 16
Alc: ABV 4,0% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Mango Passion, as the name says, is a fruit ale brewed with mango and passionfruit. It is definitely not a traditional beer, but has an average juicy body and therefore is a perfect beer to have in summer. The colour is hazy and fruit-yellow. The taste is a juicy combination of mango and passionfruit, but the beer has preserved strong body and carbonation proper to ale type beer, which balances the juiciness perfectly. As usual, chill before serving. Cheers!

Cherry BC Lemon
Style: Sour beer
Malt: barley malt, wheat malt
Hops: –
IBU: –
Alc: ABV 4,2% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Cherry BC Lemon is a sour beer brewed with cherries, blackcurrants and lemon. It has a beautiful purple-red colour, average body, but still is really easy to drink and a perfect beer to spend summer with. This beer is also suitable for people who do not drink beer, because this beer has no hops and due to souring the taste of malts is minimal. As always, chill before serving. Cheers!

Head Nisu
Style: Wheat Beer
Malt: Wheat malt, barley malt
Hops: Hallertau Mittelfrüh
IBU: 12
Alc: ABV 5,5% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Head Nisu is the only “real” wheat beer from our selection, but even for this beer, we have spiced it up a little – we have brewed this with a lot of juicy grapefruit. In the aroma you can smell some fresh grapefruit mixed with sweet smell of wheat beer yeast. In the taste the sweet-bitter grapefruit is dominant, but you can also feel a hint of sweetness related to the wheat beer yeast. It is a perfect beer to have every day or to accompany stronger foods. As usual, chill before serving. Cheers!

Jabara Jura
Style: American IPA
Malt: Barley malt, Wheat malt, Oat malt
Hops: Chinook, Columbus, El Dorado, Simcoe
IBU: 30
Alc: ABV 5,5% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
JABARA JURA is a fresh and citrusy IPA with mild bitterness. The style of this beer is something between American IPA and New England IPA. For dry-hopping we have used a lot of El Dorado and Simcoe hops. During the fermentation process we have enriched this beer with New England beer yeast. In the aroma you can smell orange zest, tangerine, honeydew melon, grapefruit, mild strawberries and peach. The taste is abundant, but balanced where you can feel slightly bitter, but juicy hop essential oils. All this forms a really easy to drink IPA to accompany you on a hot summer day. We recommend drinking hoppy beers as fresh as possible and of course, cool it down before pouring it into a fine beer glass of your own choice. Cheers!

Style: Lager beer
Malt: Pilsner, Crystal Maple
Hops: Monroe, Hallertauer Mittelfrueh
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 4,7% Vol
Packages: 330ml can, 30l KeyKeg
KÄMP is our flagship German lager using authentic german pilsner malt and delicate Hallertau Mittelfrüh and Monroe hop varieties which we added in the whirlpool! Kämp looks fantastic in a tall pilsner glass where it displays an almost brilliant clarity, a bright pale yellow color and a beautiful fluffy snow white head. When you see it you want it! The malt and hop character is subtle like in any good pale lager but still you may find notes of white bread, vanilla lemon cake, fresh hay, geranium flowers or something more maybe… In the end, the main idea with Kämp is to give the drinker a soft, dry and easy drinking beer for a refreshing and to thirst quenching moment. With this beer you won’t notice the alcohol, you will taste just a touch of bitterness for balance and a moderately high carbonation for crispness in the finish. To enjoy our beer at its best, remember to store Kämp cold at any time (around 4°C and definitely no higher than 12°C) and enjoy it as soon as you can! Kämp should also be served around 6°Celsius.
The Aa beach pioneer camp was visited by a famous camp-artist from New York. On a one campfire evening a local lager beer was offered to the visitor with light bangs and futuristic hipster glasses. The artist was struck with a such inspirational breakthrough that he grabbed a fanfare from a pioneer and blew the whole Miles Davis’ album “Bitches Brew” from between his back cheeks. We like it wild.

Style: Pale Ale
Malt: Pale, Caramalt
Hops: Chinook, Citra, Eldorado
IBU: 32
Alc: ABV 5,5% Vol
Packages: 330ml bottle, 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Despite its slightly higher alcohol level, Purtse is a mild and easy to drink Pale Ale. This beer has been with us for quite a while, which is why we have turned this into something you want to keep on sipping, especially after a long work day.
While some think, Pale Ale is just a hoppy lager, it’s actually much more. In this brew you will be greeted by a lot of tropical aromas and different spices, followed by exotic and fruity balanced flavors with a mild hoppy note in the end.
Remember to store in cold and enjoy as fresh as possible. Cheers!

Metsik Ida
Style: India Pale Ale
Malt: Pale, Munich
Hops: Columbus, Chinook, Citra, Vic Secret, Azacca
IBU: 50
Alc: ABV 6,7% Vol
Packages: 330ml bottle, 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Metsik IDA at 6.7% ABV is our classic American IPA brewed with the finest British Pale ale malt and a touch of Munich malt for a deeper grain character and an orange tinted yellow color. Once in your glass, the hop aromas will not wait to jump at you thanks to a heavy dose of pungent American and Australian hops which we added late in the beer-making process to preserve all the fruity goodness from the essential oils found in the sticky hop resin! In fact, in Metsik IDA we added a combination of 5 amazing hops (Columbus, Chinook, Citra, Vic Secret and Azacca) and most of them as dry-hops. Now look for waves of sweet orange, pink grapefruit, tangerine zest, candied lemon, peach, blueberries, blackcurrant, ripe strawberries, pine cone, mango, honeydew melon. Remember to store Metsik IDA cold and always enjoy hoppy beers as fresh as possible. We hope you’ll enjoy our Metsik IDA… Cheers!

Style: Double IPA
Malt: Maris otter, Munich, Dextrine
Hops: Centennial, Columbus, Mosaic, Enigma
IBU: 101
Alc: ABV 7,9% Vol
Package: 330ml bottle, 20l and 30l KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Industriaal (Industrial) is a 7,9% Double IPA. It is our strongest IPA with heavy dose of hops, some of them as dry-hops. The taste is strong and might scare you at first, but soon you’ll find yourself going for another sip, then another… As the name implies, the tastes in this beer are a little “industrial” and strong. You can find tastes of an slightly oven baked orange zest, grapefruit, tangerine, pine cone and mango, all zipped up by strong hops, which will last for quite a while. Remember to store it cold and always enjoy hoppy beers as fresh as possible. We hope you’ll enjoy it… Cheers!

Style: Sweet Stout
Malt: Pale Ale, Munich, Crystal T50, Golden Naked Oats, Chocolate malt, Brown malt
Hops: Columbus
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 6,3% Vol
Packages: 330ml bottle, 20L & 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Siidisuka Sweet Stout is strong, but at the same time mild and easy to drink handcraft stout. Even at 6.3% ABV the tastes are not too strong. The aroma is a great mixture of chocolate, mild coffee and tiramisu. The taste is quite similar. Since we have used lactose in this beer, you can feel a balanced fusion of sweet milk chocolate and mild coffee already in the first sip. Siidisuka Sweet Stout is perfect to accompany almost any dessert, but at the same time it’s a perfect beer to just have during a cloudy day. Serve it chilled as usual and in a fine and open glass, so the aromas can tingle your nose even more. Cheers!

Style: Baltic Tomato Gose
Malt: Pilsner malt, wheat malt, oat malt
Hops: –
IBU: –
Alc: ABV 4,7% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 20 & 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Plaadimeri is one of the most interesting beers on our selection. It is brewed with tomato purée, Himalayan salt and a slight hint of Habanero chilli, which does not leave room for any fantasy. Both in aroma and taste you can feel some sour tomato and slight chilli. It’s like someone has mixed together the cocktail with some beer. One is certain, you definitely have to try it. We recommend to do it in an open glass and of course, chilled. Cheers!

Plaadimeri HOT
Style: Baltic Tomato Gose
Malt: Pilsner malt, wheat malt, oat malt
Hops: –
IBU: –
Alc: ABV 4,7% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 20 & 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Plaadimeri HOT is one of the most interesting beers on our selection and kind of a “big brother” to our beer Plaadimeri. It is brewed with tomato purée, Himalayan salt and a strong amount of Habanero chilli, which does not leave room for any fantasy. Both in aroma and taste you can feel some sour tomato and strong chilli. It’s like someone has mixed together the cocktail with some beer and added a lot of chilli. One is certain, you definitely have to try it. We recommend doing it in an open glass and of course, chilled. Cheers!

Strawberry Smooch
Style: Strawberry Gose
Malt: Pilsner malt, Wheat, Oat
Adds: Strawberry puree
IBU: –
Alc: ABV 4,7% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 30l KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Strawberry Smooch is a 4,7% gose brewed with himalayan salt and strawberry purée. It was soured for 24 hours with kefir yoghurt and then fermented with kölsch yeast for a smooth acidity and a clean fermentation profile. You can taste a sweet and round strawberry liquid candy which is quite instantly replaced by a strong and sour mix dominating with the salt. To enjoy our beer at its best, remember to store it cold at anytime (around 4°C and definitely no higher than 12°C) and enjoy it as soon as you can! Strawberry Smooch should be served around 6° Celsius.

Tisane Du Soleil
Alc. 1,5% Vol
Pakend: 330ml purk
“Tisane Du Soleil” on madala alkoholisisaldusega hele eil tüüpi õlu, kääritatud Kölsc pärmiga. Lisatud taimetee, mis annab õllele hibiskuse, sidrunheina, kibuvitsa, kummeli, apelsini koore ja mündi maitse.
“Tisane du Soleil” is low alc beer, hazy blond ale fermented with Kölsch yeast and an addition of a herbal tea blend (hibiscus, lemongrass, rosehip, chamomile, orange peel, orange blossom, spearmint and peppermint).

Style: New England IPA
Malt: Pale, Wheat, Oat, Dextrine
Hops: Chinook, Citra, Simcoe, Mosaic
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 4,7% Vol
Package: 330ml can, 20l and 30l KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Kähkukas (Quickie) is a New England style IPA, double dry hopped. At 4,7% it makes it a really enjoyable easy-to-drink IPA’s and you’ll definitely want to grab for next one! The taste has remained fruity, fresh and tropical, quickly followed by strong aroma and taste of the hops, which will keep your mouth busy for quite a while. Remember to store it cold and always enjoy hoppy beers as fresh as possible. Cheers!

Style: Lager beer
Malt: Pilsner, Crystal Maple
Hops: Monroe, Hallertauer Mittelfrueh
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 4,7% Vol
Packages: 330ml bottle, 30l KeyKeg
KÄMP is our flagship German lager using authentic german pilsner malt and delicate Hallertau Mittelfrüh and Monroe hop varieties which we added in the whirlpool! Kämp looks fantastic in a tall pilsner glass where it displays an almost brilliant clarity, a bright pale yellow color and a beautiful fluffy snow white head. When you see it you want it! The malt and hop character is subtle like in any good pale lager but still you may find notes of white bread, vanilla lemon cake, fresh hay, geranium flowers or something more maybe… In the end, the main idea with Kämp is to give the drinker a soft, dry and easy drinking beer for a refreshing and to thirst quenching moment. With this beer you won’t notice the alcohol, you will taste just a touch of bitterness for balance and a moderately high carbonation for crispness in the finish. To enjoy our beer at its best, remember to store Kämp cold at any time (around 4°C and definitely no higher than 12°C) and enjoy it as soon as you can! Kämp should also be served around 6°Celsius.
The Aa beach pioneer camp was visited by a famous camp-artist from New York. On a one campfire evening a local lager beer was offered to the visitor with light bangs and futuristic hipster glasses. The artist was struck with a such inspirational breakthrough that he grabbed a fanfare from a pioneer and blew the whole Miles Davis’ album “Bitches Brew” from between his back cheeks. We like it wild.

Kinky Banana
Style: Fruit beer
Malt: Pale ale, Golden Naked Oats, Oat flakes
Adds: Banana puree, Lactose, Vanilla
IBU: 17
Alc: ABV 5 % Vol
Package: 330ml, 20l and 30l KeyKeg
Kinky Banana at 5% abv was brewed with a massive amount of banana purée, vanilla, lactose and oats (50% of the grain bill is flaked oats and golden naked oats!). Once in your glass, you see a cloudy appearance with a yellow color and a big and beautiful fluffy snow white head reminding milk foam. The aroma and taste is full on banana and vanilla and thanks to a medium-high body and a slightly sweet balance kinky banana will feel like a soft banana milkshake with a bit of smooth bubbles. Nom Nom!

Tai Boh
Style: Tangerine Lager
Malt: Pale ale, Vienna, Amber, Aromatic, Drc, Dextrin
Hops: Citra
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 6,5% Vol
Package: 330ml bottle, 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Tai Boh is a 6,5% ABV lager brewed with fair amount of tangerines. It is a beer collabed with restaurant Tai Boh located in Tallinn, Estonia. Despite it’s stronger alcohol level, the beer has remained mild and is easy to drink. The color is averagely hazy, red-brownish colored. Foam is stable and thick, bubbles are thin structured and with low intensity. Aroma is intense and slightly sweet. You can smell caramel, hops, tropical fruits, tangerine, rasperries and dried figs. Taste is half dry and fruity, well balanced and with an avarage body. You can feel the tastes of tangerine, caramel and honey, all tied up with slight tannins and long tangerine aftertaste. We recommend serving it in a TEKU type glass and, as usual, chill before drinking. Cheers!

Issand Humal
Linnased: Mari Otter, Caramalt, Golden Naked Oats
Humalad: Chinook, Simcoe , Styrian Wolf
IBU: 100+
Alk: ABV 9,0% Vol
Pakend: 330ml purk, kastid 24 purki
Koostöös “Pudel” baariga pruulitud eriti humalane topelt IPA.

Väike Tuhamägi VT
Õllestiil: Baltic Imperial Porter
IBU: 60
Alk: 9,5% Vol
Linnased: Pale ale, Munich, Chocolate , Crystal dark , Caramalt , Oat
Humalad: Columbus
Pakend: 330ml pudel , kastis 12 pudelit
Väike Tuhamägi VT (vanill ja tonka oad) linnaseretsept ja kääritus on sama,
mis meie rikkalikul ja edukal Balti Imperial Porter Tuhamäel. Väike Tuhamägi VT on
pruulitud natuke madalama algvirde tiheduse ja alkoholi sisaldusega kui Tuhamägi,
säilitades samal ajal rikkaliku šokolaadi, kohvi ja mustsõstra maitse. Kääritamisel
on kasutatud laager tüüpi pärmi ja õlu on laagerdunud kolm kuud külmas. Selle
tulemuseks on puhtad linnase maitsed ning lõpus on lisatud vanilli ja tonka oad.
Tulemuseks on tõeliselt nauditav dessertõlu.

Mägede hääl
Style: California Common
Malt: Pilsner, Munich, Crystal, Amber, Dexrinet
Hops: Columbus, Chinook
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 4,9% Vol
Package: 330ml bottle , 30l KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Mägede Hääl (The Voice of Mountains) is a classical California Common style lager. It is brewed with lager yeast but fermented at ale fermentation temperatures. For this brew, we have used 5 different malts (Pale, Amber, Aromatic, Crystal, Dextrine), but only one hop to add a soft bitterness. Since the malts form most of the taste, you can find a hint of fresh bread or toast, mild caramel and some slight graininess, all followed by a soft hint of bitter hop. No intense tastes make it really easy to drink. Remember to store it in cold and always enjoy as fresh as possible. Cheers!
Who stands on the ash mountain? Whose voice echoes on the hills of muck? No, that’s not Kare Kauks. Or Sile Sirks. It’s the miner Kolja Vest, from who the sons of the Wild West made a new legend of – Kanye East. Now echoes here miner-rap and ash mountain techno, coal-punk and quarry-indie. We like it wild.

Style: Belgian Golden Strong Ale
Malt: Pilsner malt, Wheat malt, Dextrine
Hops: Ella
IBU: 22
Alc: ABV 8,7% Vol
Package: 330ml bottle, 20L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Šaht-Matt is a Belgian Golden Strong Ale. For this beer we have used saison yeast, which gives it a specific, fruity coriander flavour. Colour is light and clear, the bubbles are not very intense and the foam is light and dissolves quickly. Aroma is abundant, dry and earthy. In taste you can feel the sweetness that is specific for Belgian beers mixed with hoppy pilsner flavours, all tied up with dry and strong golden ale aftertaste. This beer is perfect just to sip lightly or to accompany strong and fatty foods and cheeses. We recommend serving it in an open glass and, as usual, chill before drinking. Cheers!
Each day here with us is like a game of chess. One wrong move and life literally falls apart and buries you underneath. Checkmated by the shafts. The only thing that matters, in the end, is whether you have lived your life as a pawn or a king. We like it wild.

Style: Sweet Stout
Malt: Pale Ale, Munich, Crystal T50, Golden Naked Oats, Chocolate malt, Brown malt
Hops: Columbus
IBU: 25
Alc: ABV 6,3% Vol
Packages: 330ml bottle, 20L & 30L KeyKeg
Country of Origin: Estonia
Siidisuka Sweet Stout is strong, but at the same time mild and easy to drink handcraft stout. Even at 6.3% ABV the tastes are not too strong. The aroma is a great mixture of chocolate, mild coffee and tiramisu. The taste is quite similar. Since we have used lactose in this beer, you can feel a balanced fusion of sweet milk chocolate and mild coffee already in the first sip. Siidisuka Sweet Stout is perfect to accompany almost any dessert, but at the same time it’s a perfect beer to just have during a cloudy day. Serve it chilled as usual and in a fine and open glass, so the aromas can tingle your nose even more. Cheers!
In 1930s, the director of Kohtla-Järve oil shale plant came home from work. Put down his briefcase and turned around the portrait of the Head of State to face the wall. Put on fancy silk stockings, played a folk song record and started to shake his hips in front of the mirror. Let the man do what he wants to do. We like it wild.

Miner Leo Põld fulfilled his five-year plan in nine months and received an audience with Leopold, the King of Belgium as a prize. Introduction to decent Belgian beer ended in the marble toilet of the palace, where he learned French from the obscenities scribbled on the wall, for this guy who was used to the light Soviet beer Žiguli. Leopold was astonished at Leo Põld and knighted him. We like it wild.
Belgian Blond Ale / ALC 6,4%
Pilsen, Pale Ale, Abbey, Biscuit
Columbus, Hallertauer Mittelfrueh

Metsik Ida
This here is Sompa, for example. Samoe Opasnoe Mesto Posle Ameriki (the most dangerous place besides America). Big boys with real knives are playing indians and cowboys and everyone is out for themselves. Because when thrown to the wolves, there are two options – to stay in the woods or return leading the pack. We like it wild.
India Pale Ale / ALC 6.7%
IPA with classic American hops, where you can taste the flavor of pure citrus.
Chinook, Centennial, Citra. Dry hop – VicSecret, Azacca, Citra

Vello Kitty
Style: Porter
Malt: Pilsner, Munich, Crystal T50, DRC
Hops: Columbus, Styrian Goldings
IBU: 30
Alc: ABV 7,5% Vol
Package: 330ml bottle
Country of Origin: Estonia
Vello Kitty is an easy to drink porter, which has preserved an abundant taste palette to serve you. You can taste roasted malts, but it lacks the taste of burned coffee grounds. The taste is full of hot chocolate, anise, toffee and blackcurrant. It is an excellent beer to accompany strong and sweet dessert, but it is also an excellent beer just to sip on a cold winter night. Pour it into a fine and open glass and of course, chill before serving. Cheers!

The workers of infamous Purtse fishery still talk about the wild fish with a mustache that landed from the estuary, stole underwear drying outside and chased young women. The only chance to escape was Purtse castle. It was also the only castle where beer was brewed. We like it wild.
Pale Ale / ALC 5.5%, IBU32
Notably fresh ale with some bitterness, Yellow Sub “hops bomb” has been used for its dry hopping.
Pale, Munich, Crystal, Wheat
El Dorado, Yellow Sub, Chinook, Cascade

Style: Imperial Baltic Porter
Malt: Pale Ale, Munich, Caramalt, Crystal, Chocolate, Oat
Hops: Hallertau Magnum
IBU: 60
Alc: ABV 11,5% Vol
Packages: 330ml bottle
Country of Origin: Estonia
Tuhamägi (ash mountain) is our strongest beer on the menu, 11,5% and a balanced taste palette makes it an Imperial Baltic Porter which you want to keep on consuming, but after a bottle, you might find it difficult to do so.
The first sip will introduce you to aromatic coffee and mild chocolate taste quickly replaced by a mixture of malty sweetness, dried prunes and other fruit, all wound up, as the name implies, by a strong and balanced “ashy” finish. Remember to pour it into a fine and open glass before drinking, the aromas of this beer form a world of their own.
As usual, chill before serving. Cheers!

Our million dollar view consists of smoking chimneys and ash hills. The soil under our feet is being undermined by giant drills. The music of machinery is topping our charts. We ride the pit railway instead of luxury limos and on Sundays, we’re having picnics in the industrial park. We like it wild.
Double IPA / ALC 7.9% , IBU101
Maris Otter, Caramel, Dextrine
Centennial, Columbus, Mosaic, Enigma

Our mountains are not piles of riches, but ashes. But they are still a fortune, because they’re entirely ours. They are not conquered by hobby alpinists, but snowboarders and muddy crawlers. What others see as a landfill is a goldmine for us. And if someone says it’s not beautiful here, we say: “The ash with that.” We like it wild.
Porter / ALC 8.5%
Maris Otter, Rye, Munich, Crystal, Chocolate, Roasted Barley
Columbus, Willamette, Bramling Cross

Eksperimentaal I
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Amber Ale / ALC 6.1% , IBU25
Amber-colored, malty, easy to drink beer, brewed with Belgian Abbaye yeast, is caramelly, fruity and has a slightly sour aftertaste.
Pilsen, Melano, Munich, Cara Gold
Willamette, Saaz, Hallertauer, Cascade

Eksperimentaal III
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
India Pale Ale / ALC 6.7% , IBU50
IPA with classic American hops, where you can taste the flavor and aroma of pure citrus.
Pale Ale, Crystal, Munich
Chinook, Cascade, Dry Hop Cascade

Eksperimentaal IV
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Belgia Strong Ale / ALC 8.9%
Traditional strong Belgian beer with a golden color.
Pilsen, Wheat, Cara Claire

Eksperimentaal V
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Sweet Stout / ALC 5.1%
Silky smooth, sweet stout, where you can taste chocolate in its medium roast.
Pale Ale, Crystal, Chocolate, Black
Willamette, Saaz, Hallertauer, Cascade

Eksperimentaal VI
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Hoppy Saison / ALC 5.5% , IBU33
Enormously dry hopped saison beer.
Pale Ale, Munich
Auatraalia Cascade

Eksperimentaal VII
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Black Saison / ALC 8.9% , IBU40
Light body dry hopped dark saison beer.
Pale Ale, Carafa, Wheat malt, Dextrine
Columbus, Cascade

Eksperimentaal VIII
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Rhubarb-lemon sour / ALC 4.3%
Pale Ale, wheat malt
Available only in Key-Kegs

Eksperimentaal IX „KOOPERAATOR”
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Double Bock / ALC 8.5%
Pilsner, Vienna, Aromatic
Mandarina Bavaria, Citra

Eksperimentaal X V1 „KOLMEKAS”
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
IPA / ALC 6,5%
Fresh and fruity IPA , brewed with three different hops.
Pale Ale, Wheat malt
AU035, BRU-1, Ekuanot

Eksperimentaal X V2 „KOLMEKAS”
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
IPA / ALC 6,5%
Fresh and fruity IPA , brewed with three different hops.
Pale Ale, Wheat malt
Centennial, Chinook, Vic Secret

Eksperimentaal X V3 „KOLMEKAS”
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
IPA / ALC 6,5%
Fresh and fruity IPA , brewed with three different hops.
Pale Ale, Wheat malt
Centennial, Ekuanot, Hallertauer Mittelfrueh

Eksperimentaal X V4 „KOLMEKAS”
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
IPA / ALC 6,5%
Fresh and fruity IPA , brewed with three different hops.
Pale Ale, Wheat malt
Citra, Ekuanot, Mosaic

Eksperimentaal XI „PLAADIMERI”
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Tomato Gose / ALC 4,7%
Sour, salty, chilli – like Bloody Mary
Pale Ale, Wheat malt

The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
Porter / ALC 6,9%
Coffee porter with freshly roasted Brasilian coffee from Telliskivi Kohvi Brick roastery.
Maris Otter, Rye malt, Wheat malt, Crystal T50, Brown malt, Chocolate, Dextrine, Roasted barley
Columbus, Willamette, Bramling Cross

Eksperimentaal XIII „KÄHKUKAS”
The Wild East loves to experiment. You have to try everything, because we only have one life and if you don’t try something, it will haunt you. We like it wild.
NEIPA / ALC 4,7%
Fresh and fruity IPA , brewed with three different hops.
Pale Ale, Wheat malt
Citra, Mosaic, Ekuanot